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「気候変動災害を防ぐための取り組みは十分に行われているか?」Is enough being done to prevent climate change disasters?について英検1級英作文問題と同じ方法で肯定、否定の両方の立場で書いてみました。日本語訳も併記しています。近年高い関心がある社会問題ですので、これからも同試験に出題される可能性があります。


温暖化による気温・降水量・海面水位の増加が近年頻発するようになっています。自然災害に対する取り組みは十分に行われているのかをトピックとして英検1級の英作文問題と同様、3つの理由、構成: 導入、本論、結論、エッセイ全体の長さを200~240語程度にして、肯定、否定両方の立場で書いてみました。


1 防波堤(seawall)や空調設備の整備
2 各国の施策
3 関心の高まり


I believe that enough is being done to prevent climate change disasters. Building seawalls and installing air conditioners are improving, and awareness about these disasters is high.

First, governments have already begun to invest a significant amount of time and money into building seawalls around the world. And, also local municipalities and main facilities such as hospitals, universities, and train stations have already installed amenities like air conditioners to prevent people from getting heatstroke.

Second, nations around the world are doing more to prevent climate change disasters. For example, the USA, its farmers make Generically Engineered Organisms or GEOs. They can harvest these crops even if the season is mainly the inclement weather, including hot weather. A Japanese company, Nippon Poly-Glu makes water purification systems and helps developing countries people drink clean water.

Finally, awareness about climate change disasters is especially high right now. China ignored the issues, however, recently it has led to combat the pollution problem. Its citizens buy eco-friendly cars like EV instead of gasoline powered ones. There is no denying that humans are culprits about climate change disasters. But people around the world are aware of the importance to prevent climate change disasters.

Due to the reasons mentioned above, I believe that enough is being done to prevent climate change disasters.

Affirmative の訳



第二に、世界中の国々は、気候変動災害を防ぐためにより多くの努力をしています。たとえば、米国の農家は、遺伝子組み換え作物または GEO を作っています。暑い天候を含むような、悪天候な時期がほとんどであっても、これらの作物を収穫することができます。日本の会社である Nippon Poly-Glu は水質浄化システムを作り、発展途上国の人々が清潔な水を飲むのを助けます。




1 デング熱などのリスクの増大
2 温暖化対策の遅れ
3 以前の予想を超える変化


In my opinion, current climate change disasters prevention efforts are not sufficient. Fears about widespread diseases are high. Humans procrastinate about combating climate change, and the pace is faster than expected.

First, fears about widespread diseases are high. In recent years, people around Japan have feared about dengue fever. The disease is fatal. Opinion polls show people concern about diseases caused by climate change. They do not know how to prevent such diseases because in the past their ancestors did not affect them.

Second, one of the superpowers government procrastinates about combating climate change. Recently, the US president said a plan to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement although it is a major culprit making carbon emissions. Unless he took back his words, other countries would also withdraw themselves from the agreement.

Third, recent studies show that the pace of climate change is faster than expected. The Arctic region has released methane. This is a serious problem because this gas has a warming potential that is significantly higher than carbon dioxide. Even if we all humans stopped every greenhouse gases right now, we would not prevent climate change disasters.

For the reasons mentioned above, it is clear that more should be done to prevent climate change disasters.

Negative の訳







「気候変動災害を防ぐための取り組みは十分に行われているか?」Is enough being done to prevent climate change disasters?について具体例を交えながら、英検1級英作文問題と同じ方法で肯定、否定の両方の立場で書いてみました。近年高い関心がある社会問題だけに、これからも同試験に出題される可能性があります。
