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裁量労働制を拡大するべきか? Should a discretionary working-hour system be expanded?を問題に英検1級英作文の形式で肯定、否定の両方の立場で英作文を書いてみました。日本語訳もそれぞれ記載しておきます。このテーマは今後の英作文、面接で出題されるかもしれません。




Should a discretionary working-hour system be expanded?「裁量労働制を拡大するべきか?」を問題に英検1級の英作文問題と同様、3つの理由、構成: 導入、本論、結論、エッセイ全体の長さを200~240語程度にして、肯定、否定両方の立場で書いてみました。


1 時間と場所に拘束されない
2 仕事に対する姿勢や考え方が変わる
3 先進諸国で拡大していることに合わせる必要


Although many people disagree with a discretionary working-hour system, I think that the system should be expanded. Workers can free from hours and places, change their mind about their job. Also, many developed countries have already introduced and expanded the system.

The primary reason a discretionary working-hour system should be expanded is that workers can free from their hours and working places. Whenever they work, as long as they can accomplish their task, they do not mind how many hours they work and where they work. This is a benefit for many workers. For example, young couples who have children, they can take their children to the kindergarten and bring them back.

In addition, when a discretionary working-hour system is expanded, workers will change their mind about their job. Many workers avoid working long hours. However, because of traditional working style, they cannot leave offices early even if they work hard. If the system is expanded, workers will change their mind about their job because when they work under the system, they can leave early and have their free time. Using the free time, they are capable of playing with their children or doing a household chore.

Last, many developed countries have already introduced and expanded a discretionary working-hour system. Japan's labor productivity is embarrassingly low. One of the reason is that people are shackled by obsolete working culture. To compete with other countries, it should be expanded a discretionary working-hour system.

When considering the reasons mentioned above, I agree with the idea of expanding a discretionary working-hour system. It is good for individuals as well as the country.

Affirmative の訳







1 過労死、過労自殺が増える
2 オンとオフの区別がつかなくなる
3 業種によっては当てはまらない


I strongly disagree with the idea that a discretionary working hour system should be expanded. It will increase death from overwork, workers cannot distinguish on and off, there are many unsuitable categories of business.

The main reason that a discretionary working hour system should not be expanded is that it will increase death from overwork. Due to illicit employers exploit their employees, many Japanese innocent workers death from overwork every year. It is already too high the number of death. Human lives are naturally important than money.

Second, under a discretionary working hour system workers cannot distinguish on and off. Even now, many workers work long hour in offices and their home. If the system was expanded, many of them would work harder in offices and their home. After that, they would die.

Last, the system is not many suitable categories of business. The system is only suitable few categories, such as researchers and lawyers. Most workers work under the present system and it is not any problem. If the system is expanded, working productivity will decrease.

For the reasons mentioned above, I am against expanding a discretionary working hour system. The system will only increase death from overwork and worsen working productivity.

Negative の訳







Should a discretionary working-hour system be expanded?「裁量労働制を拡大するべきか?」についての英検1級英作文形式で肯定、否定の双方の立場で書いてきました。具体例をもう少し考えて、整理した方が良いと思いますが、機会があれば訂正していきたいと思います。今後、英検の英作文や面接で同様の問題が出たときの参考にしていただければ幸いです。
